Using TainoSign Templates for E-Signing

Learn how to use pre-designed e-signature templates in TainoSign to automate document signing and integrate workflows seamlessly.

Juliana Menendez
  • 1 year ago
  • Published

TainoSign templates make the e-signing process faster and more efficient by eliminating repetitive steps involved in designing and setting up documents for signing. This guide will show you how to use templates directly from the Customer or Policy details pages.

Starting the Process

Navigate to the Documents -> E-Signing section of the Customer or Policy details page. Here, you’ll find a list of all existing e-sign documents associated with that entity.

E-Signing Section on Customer or Policy Page

At the top-right corner of the table, there is a Create Document button. Clicking this button reveals two sub-action buttons:

  • Using Template – Opens a modal with a list of existing TainoSign templates that can be used for e-signing. These templates include both Agency Templates and Pre-Defined System Templates.
  • Using Existing PDF Form – Takes you to the section where PDF forms for that entity can be created or selected. For more details on this workflow, refer to the article Electronic Signing with TainoSign.

Step 1: Selecting a TainoSign Template

When you click Using Template, a modal window will appear, displaying a list of available TainoSign templates. These templates include both Agency Templates and Pre-Defined System Templates. Templates are essentially pre-designed PDF forms with all field mappings and signing placeholders in place.

Template Selector Modal

To use a template, simply click the E-Sign button next to the desired template. The system will immediately trigger the e-signing workflow, sending the document to the customer through the delivery method specified in the template (e.g., email or SMS).

Step 2: Tracking and Completion

Once the e-signing process is initiated, you can track the document's status in the E-Signing section of the Customer or Policy details page. The steps following this are the same as described in the article Electronic Signing with TainoSign. These include:

  • Monitoring the document’s status (e.g., Sent, Viewed, Signed).
  • Receiving notifications once the document is signed.
  • Automating follow-up actions through Automated Pipelines, such as creating tasks, reminders, generating documents, or sending emails.

Key Benefits of Using TainoSign Templates

  • Time-Saving: Templates eliminate repetitive tasks, allowing agents to send documents for signing with just one click.
  • Consistency: Templates ensure that documents follow a standardized format, reducing errors and maintaining professionalism.
  • Automation: Integrate templates with Automated Pipelines to trigger e-sign workflows and follow-up actions seamlessly.

Concluding Thoughts

To maximize the benefits of TainoSign templates, consider designing your own templates tailored to your agency's needs. Learn how to design and create TainoSign templates. Once you have templates ready, using them becomes a straightforward process, as described in this article.

Using TainoSign templates simplifies the e-signing process, enabling agents to focus more on their clients and less on administrative tasks.

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