Creating and Managing Custom Fields

In this article, you wil discover how to easily create and use custom fields on policies and customer entities.

Colleen Daza
  • 9 months ago
  • Published

In this article, you will learn how to easily create and use custom fields for policies and customer records. These fields can be different types, such as a short text box for a single line of text, a larger text box for longer answers, numbers, decimal numbers, checkboxes, dates, drop-down menus, multiple checkboxes, radio buttons, or list boxes. You can also make certain fields required, so agents must fill them out before submitting a form. These custom fields can be organized into groups, making it easy for agents to see and complete them on policy or customer pages. Additionally, custom fields can be linked to PDF forms, certificates, and online Web Forms.

Additionally, custom fields are organized into Custom Field Groups. This means that when you're on a policy or customer page, the Custom Field Groups you’ve created will always appear, with their corresponding custom fields, ready to be filled out by agents as needed. This organization helps keep your data collection efficient and structured.

Beyond data entry, custom fields can also be mapped for use in generating PDF forms and certificates. You can link these fields to your templates, ensuring that the data collected flows directly into documents without the need for manual input. Moreover, custom fields can be used within custom Web Forms, allowing for seamless integration with customer-facing forms that you can share publicly or privately.

Watch the video below for a step-by-step tutorial:

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